Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sheet rock started

We got one bid for hanging and taping and then called "Alfredo" a guy who is a friend of a friend and who also did our friend Webster's house. By mid afternoon the next day over half the rock was hung. The only reason it wasn't all done is because I wasn't finished with my electrical work. So I went back last night and worked a few hours to get it finished so they could continue hanging and taping. Talk about fast!! Maybe by next week we will be able to paint and then doors and floors, it's starting to go fast, but still we'll be lucky to be done by the end of May.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Basement Framing

We took the whole family over to the house Sunday and had the boys use the framing nailer and concrete (GUN) nailer. Showed them how to measure, cut and nail together walls and fasten them. Blayne and Sheila worked upstairs getting the floor ready for carpet and organizing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Out of sequence framing video

I thought I'd toss this in for something new. 1st one is the framing and second is the video of Blayne and my birthday weekend in the dells.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Finally Framing

We started framing as planned this weekend. We also went to the Wisconsin Dells for Blayne's birthday. We stayed at Chula Vista resort and had an awesome time! Great place to stay. We got home last night and started framing the upstairs walls. Came this morning did some more and ran out of nails, but we don't have to much left. It feels great to see the big stuff get done.